Yanco Agricultural High School

A quality secondary education in an historic rural setting

Telephone02 6951 1500



Yanco Agricultural High School is a selective agricultural high school emphasising the study of agriculture. Isolated students are given some priority with boarding places.

The school has a mix of weekly and full time boarding students. There are no day students at Yanco Agricultural High School.

You can request an information package and prospectus by contacting our school directly.

The enrolment application process for students intending to start Year 7 is different to the application process for students from Years 8 through 12. However, all  applications for enrolment must be completed on official NSW Department of Communities Selective Schools Unit enrolment forms.

Enrolment enquiries

Email: yancoag-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Phone: All phone enquiries regarding enrolments can be directed to our school office on 02 6951 1500


Year 7 Enrolment Information

Years 8 to 12 Enrolment Information