A century of study at Yanco Agricultural High School (1922 – 2022)
For the first two decades students studied in the unheated, former shearer’s quarters, built by McCaughey. To get there, the boys crossed a canal bridge and walked along a brick path they had built themselves.
Their subjects focused principally on agriculture and finished at Year 9. After three years at Yanco, they could then study towards matriculation at Hawkesbury Ag College in Sydney.
Over 100 years, the school has acquired newer and specialist classrooms, a swimming pool, sports hall, a hockey field, extensive irrigated sporting ovals as well as multifunction tennis, netball and basketball courts.
Agriculture is still the primary focus of studies with specialisations in Primary Industries, Design and Technology and Metals and Engineering. Show stock activities are popular with students exhibiting cattle, sheep and poultry at state and regional shows. Students also study subjects available to all other NSW students.
Author: Bill Barwick